Friday, May 22, 2015

2 Become 1

No, not the SpiceGIrls song...

I am 3 days behind so I'm going to make 2 posts (since one of the days was basically just a day to catch up on rest and nothing happened).

WEDNESDAY: was our first free-day from any activities after class. My roommate and I were planning to go to the beach but that never happened - we crashed during Siesta (nap!) and didn't wake up until dinner time.

After dinner we walked to a bar that has a program every Wednesday night for international students where they pair you with someone else who's trying to learn a language. My roommate and I were paired with three Spanish gents that are studying English and, of course, we were students from The States studying Spanish. The way it worked is that every 15 minutes you'd switch to a new language - although, about an hour into the event we ended up speaking to each other in some weird form of Spanglish. :)

The walk to the bar was too pretty to ignore

New York is the "CIty That Never Sleeps"? I beg to differ!

Just another perfect night in Cadiz, Spain. No big deal ;)

THURSDAY: Was another day free from activities. It was also pretty uneventful. We did go out that night to 2 bars: M2 and Woodstock. M2 was fun because we got unlimited free drinks called "Tinto de Verano" (red wine with lemon lime soda over ice) and it was mostly just students from our program. Woodstock, despite the strange smell, was also fun because it had good music and was (of course) classic rock themed so it felt strangely like home.

I though it was cute, anyway

Woodstock selfie :) (I'll probably go back to this bar again before my study abroad end). I had my first shot of Tequila with salt and a slice of lemon in this bar - and, although it was absolutely terrible, it'll forever be a fond memory of that crazy thing I did for 1 Euro in Spain. (Cheap shots, I know!)

Well, now I'm off to sleep! I'm headed to Sevilla in the morning (if it's cheap enough for a round trip). Now I'm only two days behind ~ so hopefully I can catch up with my schedule!!

Adios, amigos! <3

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