Monday, May 18, 2015

Pizza Scissors

WARNING: Knowledge of English is slowly deteriorating. It took a great deal of effort to edit this post so it didn't contain Spanglish. ;)

I'm going to start this post off with a quote (which you'll probably skip, but I'll try to make it meaningful, I promise!):

"The test will measure whether you are an informed, engaged, and productive citizen of the world, and it will take place in schools and bars and hospitals and dorm rooms and in places of worship. You will be tested on first dates, in job interviews, while watching football, and while scrolling through your Twitter feed. The test will judge your ability to think about things other than celebrity marriages, whether you’ll be easily persuaded by empty political rhetoric, and whether you’ll be able to place your life and your community in a broader context. The test will last your entire life, and it will be comprised of the millions of decisions that, when taken together, will make your life yours. And everything, everything, will be on it." ~ John Green

Well...quote aside: today involved a test.
My roommate and I awoke at 7:30 to get cleaned up and eat breakfast (toast with butter and milk to drink). Our host father then walked us to the university (Universidad de Cadiz) where we had a quick orientation...then came the placement test.

In order to receive credits for taking these classes, we had to take a placement test in Spanish so we could be sorted into groups to determine the level of credit (for example: a level 7 class would translate to level 300 in America and a level 5 would translate to 200, etc.) I was so nervous, I barely ate breakfast. After taking the hour long test (which, I'm not gonna lie, I struggled with), I was told that I would be placed in a level 7 class ~ which means that I will get credit for 300 level course...which means: If I pass the final exam, I will automatically have a double minor (one minor in Spanish and the other in International Culture & Business)

After classes ended at 2pm, my roommate and I walked back to our apartment and our host mom made us lunch. It was some type of soup (basically just like chicken noo-noo soup but then we put in chopped hard-boiled eggs and ham). Our host mom also made us Tortillas Espana (which reminded me of quiche almost?). It was SO delicious - I should've taken a picture but I wanted to spare you guys the jealousy!

After lunch, we met up with a group of girls from our class/program and went out exploring the city. Below are the results of our adventures (yes, finally the pictures!)

When you've got the biggest and best balcony in the entire city but still realize your view is just other walls

When you're the only person awake at 4:30pm because you skipped Siesta to sight-see (for non-spanish speaking people: siestas are mid-day naps for Spaniards)

How can I steal these trees and get them in Virginia?

More fresh than a new Beyonce song

Ft. the tree I'm pretty sure was the star of Tarzan

Jess for Scale

You'd think that this park would be super crowded on such a beautiful day?

SMH, the idea for this picture was way funnier in my head (just like me)

Boats! ft. my roommate's arm

I don't remember what this is and I'm not even going to pretend - but I'm sure I'll cross paths with it again someday :)

Anyway, that's really all I have for this post. I still have homework to do before tomorrow and it's already 12:30am! These aren't nearly all of the pictures. Most of my pictures need to be rotated before posting them to my blog but if I'm too lazy to walk to Regattas from Potomac South to get food then you KNOW I'm definitely too lazy to edit a photo.

- Jess

JK, It's not really the end. The title of this post is "pizza scissors" ~ my wonderful host mother made pizza for dinner and her daughter, instead of using a pizza cutter, CUT her pizza with scissors. This is a tribute to those glorious, glorious scissors.

NOW it's the end!

Chao :)

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